Monday, July 25, 2016

Eating Off Schedule

Sometimes things happen and we find ourselves eating off schedule.  Things can happen any day so we have to be prepared ahead of time with our food. 

Sometimes it is sleep!  We were on a trip this weekend that required us to drive home at 4 am.  It was unavoidable and it caused us to lose sleep and eat at odd times.  It is ok.  Just do the best you can and get caught up on your sleep and healthy eating.  Get back on schedule as soon as you can!

 Do you have a hard time staying on schedule with your eating?

Enjoy fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from your garden or farmer's market!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Didn't Eat Enough

Guess how I used to try to lose weight?  I would buy a book about a new diet, read it, go grocery shopping, try out a few new recipes, and never make it on the diet a whole week!  Here are 2 stacks of books about weight loss that total $208.  I recently donated these to my local library.

Sometimes I eat three meals and a small snack in the afternoon and still feel hungry at night.  It's not just hunger.... it is a craving for cake, or cookies, or chips, or Coca-Cola, or chocolate, or candy... the C's!  I try to eat healthy food, but I get these cravings at night.

Yesterday I added up all the calories from my meals and I only had eaten 960 calories!  That is not enough to live on!  No wonder I ate 2 slices of pound cake out of the freezer last night in the middle of the night! I made sure I ate more today at 1400 calories.  So far so good!

Best wishes on your weight loss journey!